Global Politics

  • China and Taliban-Led Afghanistan: Opportunities and Challenges

    China and Taliban-Led Afghanistan: Opportunities and Challenges


    For the past 20 years, Afghanistan has heavily relied on international aid and investment to finance its economy and state activities. About 75% of the government’s non-military budget was supported by the United States and other international donors. Once the Taliban ascended to power, however, most of the foreign aid and investment disappeared along with…

  • The Province Provides: On the Role of Inter-provincial Competition in Climate Change Response in China

    The Province Provides: On the Role of Inter-provincial Competition in Climate Change Response in China


    Much of the existing literature on China’s climate change response has focussed on either the efforts of the Chinese civil society[1], or those of the central administration in Beijing[2]. Such accounts note the significant room for collaboration and conflict between the state and citizenry in tackling climate change.[3] I seek to highlight and advocate the…

  • Why There Might Be No Long Game for China

    Why There Might Be No Long Game for China


    In light of China’s skyrocketing economic and military capabilities, nothing seems to be more urgent than a balanced strategy for China’s geopolitical influence. Chinese hegemony, in Asia at least, had been previously presumed to be slow in coming. This rapid growth has therefore raised tremendous concerns for the United States and its allies, triggering a…

  • Theorizing Chinese Investment In Peripheral & Semi-Peripheral Nation States

    Theorizing Chinese Investment In Peripheral & Semi-Peripheral Nation States


    The rise and fall of powers is founded in their economic influence, which is furthered by strategic and diplomatic capabilities. The People’s Republic of China has proliferated an aggressive diplomatic endeavour across the globe through supply-chain penetration and investment. A stark example of the same is the Belt and Road Initiative, the responses to which…

  • Xi Jinping’s Egalitarian Education Reform

    Xi Jinping’s Egalitarian Education Reform


    Wealth inequality is a serious issue in China. According to data published by Shijiazhuang University of Economics, the top 20 percent of the population earns roughly 30 times more than the bottom 20 percent (Jia Hua, Qingxia, Mengnan Zhang, 2015), and the first month Covid-19 lockdown caused low-skill migrant workers’ income to lose 100 billion…

  • A Renewed Space: Rural Communities and the Countryside

    A Renewed Space: Rural Communities and the Countryside


    21st Century political wisdom has been invested in a city-based future for most of the world. City-life is seen as the future of the world. Paul Collier in 2010 espoused that ‘as populations grow and the Southern climate deteriorates due to global warming, the South will necessarily urbanize. The future of populations will live not…

  • The Taliban Takeover: Implications for South Asian Security

    The Taliban Takeover: Implications for South Asian Security


    The Taliban regime recently announced the formation of a caretaker government in Afghanistan. It has since gained notoriety for its inclusion of terrorists wanted by America and exclusion of ethnic minorities and women. The US expressed strong condemnations over the move. But at the same time, it and other countries in the West and beyond…

  • The Real Pandemic: Strawmen & Worsening Sino-Western Relations

    The Real Pandemic: Strawmen & Worsening Sino-Western Relations


    Edward Ludwick defined Great Power Autism as the “lack of situational awareness of the world around them (in large countries) natural in small countries of equal advancement.” This condition seems to have not only taken a firmer hold in both China and the U.S. since the Trump administration, but has infected middle powers like Canada…

  • Identity Crisis under the Big Tent: Canada’s Conservative Party in Turmoil

    Identity Crisis under the Big Tent: Canada’s Conservative Party in Turmoil


    In 2013, prominent Canadian political commentators John Ibbitson and Darryl Bricker famously declared the end of the Liberal Party’s dominance over Canadian politics through the collapse of its coalition, the “Laurentian Consensus.” In its place, they heralded an era defined by a new Conservative coalition that would grow in strength over the coming years. Yet,…

  • How the Eurozone’s History Undermined its Response to COVID-19

    How the Eurozone’s History Undermined its Response to COVID-19


    As of this moment, Europe has over 181 million confirmed cases of the novel COVID-19 virus, and over 3.91 million deaths. Amid the coronavirus-induced panic-selloff in global equities in March of 2020, regional benchmarks like the DAX lost over half a decades-worth of gains in a month. Markit PMI for the same month printed record-breaking…