Global Politics
Ireland and the US: A Growing, Special Geoeconomic Relationship Worthy of Protection
A tax windfall from Apple gives Ireland a can’t-miss opportunity to invest in its lagging defense and relationship with the US.
What I Wish My Family, Culture, and Friends Told Me About Srebrenica
A Macedonian woman’s perspective on exile, massacre, and multi-ethnic tolerance
Deep Freeze: What a Second Trump Presidency Could Mean for Climate Action
A second Trump administration may find it far harder to translate his anti-climate rhetoric into actual policy.
Why Donald Trump Has Been Calling Democrats ‘Fascists’
By demonizing his opponents, Trump is anticipating a second term that is even more authoritarian than his first.
Inside the Spin Room: The ABC News Presidential Debate
September 10th’s highly anticipated ABC News Presidential debate saw Vice-President Harris’ debate tactics triumph over former President Trump.
Speaking of Magic Bullets…and the Case for Being Moderate
Our political discourse has become dominated by references to quick fixes and simple solutions. Such discourse doesn’t match reality.
Censor the Language, Curtail the People: An Analysis of Kurdish Linguistic Erasure Across the Nation-states on Kurdish Land
While ethnic groups like the Kurds are often defined by their nationality, language can serve as an even more specific marker of an ethnic group, expressing its identity through specialised terminology relevant to the group’s experience.
When Words Are Action: China’s Slogans and Global Ambition
Peering into the thought process behind China’s slogans provides a pertinent window into Chinese politics, and politics in general, for that matter.
The Strategic Dilemmas of UN Transitional Administration in Gaza
While a UN TA holds promise, the historical record from Kosovo and elsewhere suggests such an institution would face perilous strategic dilemmas which will threaten its security and legitimacy.
Cameroon’s Anglophone Crisis: The Dangers of Language Conflict on Display
Linguistic discrimination has repeatedly developed into humanitarian crises. It’s time the UN starts paying attention.