Culture and Ideas
Debating Privacy in Public in the Age of Surveillance
Renewed attention to the meaning of privacy in the context of widespread surveillance suggests that conventional understandings of privacy are decidedly insufficient. Yet, is it even possible for us to recognize something occurring in public as private?
Interview with Lois McNay: The Gender of Critical Theory
In her most recently published book, The Gender of Critical Theory, Professor Lois McNay argues that contemporary Frankfurt School critical theorists since the 1970s have increasingly failed to attend to the lived realities of oppression.
Is AI Making Us (Artificially) Equal?
The growing use of internet technologies in human livelihoods has an ambiguous impact upon the notions of human equality and social status. Internet technologies, with an emphasis on Artificial Intelligence (AI), are more likely to widen the inequality gaps due to existing socio-cultural barriers in the physical sphere.
An Idiosyncratic Memoir
Not Thinking Like a Liberal is precisely Geuss’s attempt to explain why liberalism continues to sit uncomfortably with him.
Interview with Samuel Moyn: The Carlyle Lectures on Cold War Liberalism
Ming Kit Wong speaks to Samuel Moyn, Henry R. Luce Professor of Jurisprudence at Yale Law School and Professor of History at Yale University, about his series of lectures on Cold War Liberalism.
What Transhumanism Means for Our Future
What if we could easily cure all diseases and disabilities? How about being able to run 100m in less than 2 seconds? Could we make human beings indestructible or even immortal? Some of these changes may be within our reach, thanks to human enhancement and transhumanism. I’ll consider what the possible implications are. What are…
The History of Orientalism and the Rise of British Nationalism
As never-ending wars and resilient dictatorships plague the Middle East, coupled with the destabilizing aftershocks of Western colonialism, refugees are fleeing the region by the thousands, seeking shelter and opportunity behind the walls of the European fortress. In response, nationalist parties across the U.K., most prominently Britain’s Independence Party (UKIP), have pushed back on their…
The Politics of Subscriptions
If you are a reader of the Oxford Political Review, you may have noticed that as you scroll through your newsfeed you are being invited to subscribe to a variety of periodicals: The Economist will run you £10 per month; The London Review of Books will set you back £12 for 12 issues; and The New Yorker is going for the low, low…