Culture and Ideas
‘Linguistic fascism’: Was Lord Moylan right to raise the alarm on Wales?
To defeat linguistic fascism, we must realise that the true threat to liberty comes from a desire to punish others, corporally or reputationally, for not submitting to the idea that one language should be supreme over others.
Rattling The Cage of Farmed Animal Identity
Our immediate associations of ‘cow’ with ‘milk’ and ‘beef’ are rarely coupled with a recognition of the fact that an individual animal must be exploited to obtain these products.
A History of National Language Policies in Singapore
As Singapore grapples with an increasingly complex and intercultural demographic, policymakers must continually reassess language policies to better reflect the lived realities of its citizens.
Review: A New Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere and Deliberative Politics by Jürgen Habermas
Habermas solutions concerning the protection of the political public sphere from fragmentation and exclusion dynamics in the digital age may not be sufficient to uphold its inclusivity and discursivity.
The Colonial Hangover: How French Words Perpetuate a Continuity of Colonial Attitudes Against Algerians
The long climb to expel divisions and resurrect equality starts with rooting out the discrimination embedded in one particular place: language.
Politics of the Hostage
Rather than clinging to the innocent or victimary subjectivity of the hostage, Israel and its supporters are implored to ‘undo’ the all-too comfortable sense of being unquestionably ‘at-home,’ and ‘dwell’ on the ‘moral dubiousness’ of what has been done.
Valencian Road Signs
In Valencia, language invokes politics, not just identity. Road signs are a part of this political story.
How to Do Things with Swords, or the Performativity of Violence
A Review of Lee Ann Fujii’s Book ‘Show Time’
West Papua’s Shifting Signifiers: Across History of Colonialism and Nationalism in Indonesia
A silent war of narratives and symbols rages within the shadowed forests and contested borders of West Papua.