Culture and Ideas
In Defence of Identity Politics
Identity politics is a term that attracts bifurcated responses and invokes starkly distinct imagined connotations. On the one hand, it appears to be at the forefront of progressive activism, a connecting bridge between intersectionality analysis and large-scale student movements; on the other hand it appears to be associated with the insular, exclusionary tendencies of politics…
All The Terrorism We Cannot See: misogyny, whiteness, and radicalisation in the digital age
From Parkland to the Toronto van attacks, elements of a simmering hatred toward women lie just below the surface. But, in a country where Supreme Court justices hold credible accusations of sexual assault and the President himself boasts about grabbing women “by the pussy”, these connections are either overlooked or downplayed. Contrary to conventional wisdom, an…
Robot Dialectics: Western Revolutionaries versus Japanese Companions
In the opening scene of I, Robot, a terrifying car crash throws Chicago police detective Del Spooner (played by Will Smith) and a 12 year-old girl into the nearby ocean. A passing robot, through a brute calculation of odds, dives in to save Del’s life at the expense of the child’s. The experience instils Del with…