Culture and Ideas
Constructing National Narratives: The Tin Drum as Ironic History
The far-right has soured on Germany’s self-critical view of its history in place since the end of the Second World War.
The Politics of Climate Fiction: Why We Don’t Talk About What Is Killing the Planet
Plenty of post-apocalyptic climate fictions are quiet are the cause of disaster. This oversight has real-life consequences for our planet’s future.
Aesthetic Engagement and the Politics of Affiliation: The Case of Allusion in Autumn
Does literature intrinsically have any political and ethical import? Not directly, but it can help inspire political action.
Review: Globalisation and the Importation of Literature in Jameson’s Inventions of a Present
The globalisation of literature merely marks a new type of narrative consumption, where novelists become goods rather than goods-producers.
The First Jewish Republic: Yiddish Literature and Jewish Politics
A prescient observer of Jewish politics in his day, Sholem Aleichem and his work hold much insight into present Jewish political, social, and cultural life.
The Randomness of the World: A Review of Fluke by Brian Klaas
Do we have meaningful control over our lives and the world? An OPR editor’s take on a new answer to this age-old question.
Trump Rallies, Bruce Springsteen and America
The split between seemingly natural bedfellows – white working class Trump supporters and Springsteen – holds two competing visions for modern America.
‘Linguistic fascism’: Was Lord Moylan right to raise the alarm on Wales?
To defeat linguistic fascism, we must realise that the true threat to liberty comes from a desire to punish others, corporally or reputationally, for not submitting to the idea that one language should be supreme over others.
Rattling The Cage of Farmed Animal Identity
Our immediate associations of ‘cow’ with ‘milk’ and ‘beef’ are rarely coupled with a recognition of the fact that an individual animal must be exploited to obtain these products.
A History of National Language Policies in Singapore
As Singapore grapples with an increasingly complex and intercultural demographic, policymakers must continually reassess language policies to better reflect the lived realities of its citizens.